So You Wanna be a Witch

  • June 28, 2017

So You Wanna be a Witch

Priestess in the making: Kim James 

Forget the old hags that cast evil spells with hooked noses and a cackling laugh. Forget the Wicked Witch of the East from Wizard of Oz. Welcome to a truer look at Witchcraft from the viewpoint of a newly enlightened Witch.
Not sure if Witchcraft is for you? How do you deal with the social stigma against Witchcraft? What do you need, how to get started, how much time, who can help, how much does it cost???? Questions, questions, questions.
Join me in a beginner’s journey of Witchcraft, as some questions, get some answers, meet and have some fun with other Witchy newbies.

Broomsticks not required

Sunday 2pm @Sacred Fire Pit