13 Moons

13 Moons

with Shaman Spiritualist Tamare White-Wolf 

Many indigenous people seen the moons as a reminder of what was going on around them. Specifically what was going on with nature. With that they would adjust themselves accordingly. Doing so promoted going with the flow of nature ultimately this enabled for an easy adjustment to changes that climate forced upon us.

There are a number of unique names for each full moon. In this workshop we will explore the different names to understand the energy each moon offers to the culture living in it! We will investigate which of the moons are aligned personally to you and your sign. And most importantly how that will affect you and how to use it for the best possible outcome.

Many of the grandmothers of indigenous cultures carried the teachings of the moons to their people, creating shields, rituals, ceremonies, events and healings to honour the times for which they where intended. Here we will learn about this in order to strengthen our families and communities.


Discussion on Blue moons, Harvest Moons, Blood Moons, Eclipsing Moons, waning n waxing moons will be explored for purpose of understanding and recognizing behaviour in people and animals.

13 Moons ~ June 13th 4-7 pm  $111-

    or call 778-441-1771 text 705-309-7171