Smokey Quartz

  • December 16, 2015

Smokey Quartz


Primary Chakra: Root

Astrological Sign: Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio

Issues and Ailments (Physical):

Balance Feet Headaches
Legs Nightmares Remove toxins

Issues and Ailments (Emotional):

Depression Grounding Stress

Issues and Ailments (Spiritual):

Clearing aura Negativity Electromagnetic pollution
Stimulate dreams Psychic protection Balance root chakra

Smokey Quartz works with all of the Chakras, but can specifically focus its energies with the Root and Solar-Plexus Chakras. While this stone has a slow and steady energy to it, it is still very powerful in its action. This crystal has a vibe that helps to facilitate the transformation of dreams into reality.

A very powerful stone, it emits a high level of energy. This stone helps ground the holder with Earth energies and is good for working with the Root and Solar Plexus Chakras. Use this stone to absorb and transmute negative energy. It is also a great stone for pain relief, and helps to prevent healing crises after a strong energy session. This amazing stone can help integrate messages and/or spiritual energy received in higher chakras into the lower chakras and anchor expanded consciousness into the physical body. Meditating with it can bring information from other realms into the physical. Many people who work with this stone have reported unusual sightings of spiritual entities. It is great for manifestation programs and grids, and body layouts, due to its slow and methodical way of pulling higher energies down into third dimensional reality. This is an important stone for one’s medicine bag.

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