Weekly Psychic Prediction Jan 13-18-16

  • January 16, 2013

Weekly Psychic Prediction

Jan 13-18-16
Seer Tamare White-Wolf


Love-such a fickle thing, relationships are, no matter romance or family! Best just to let the rhythmic flow of time n nature direct you. It is a wonderful thing and worth the wait when everything comes into place. So be careful with those moments of inpatients with them or you will mess things up for yourself! Enjoy and savour the journeys pace it’s not a race, it’s an art the language of love!





Health-there’s the new year resolutions and then there’s those lifestyles that need to change and stay that way, changed! You have been learning all about your particular needs, through trial and error, experience of others and facts! Don’t be afraid of challenge, it’s a lot easier than you realize. Betcha you will love the new regime anyway, much better than the way things have been anyway!





Business- you likely had to have your finger on every little detail on the job front. It’s been good for you, good for the business and good for the clients. There’s more to be done, particular areas of the job require much more of your time and attention. You will have to hand over lesser roles and more complex roles and put yourself in the seat you like most, the seat you do your best in!

Book your session with Seer Tamare White-Wolf


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The Legacy of the Divine Tarot is a stunning 78-card deck from Ciro Marchetti, talented artist and creator of the Gilded Tarot and Tarot of Dreams. It’s roughly based on a Rider-Waite foundation, but rendered in a magical, highly realistic digital style. The deck is available as a special edition from Ciro, and also as a mass-market edition from Llewellyn. “Imagine a civilization long before our own which also called this planet home. Imagine that foreseeing their own demise, they wished to leave us a message. This is who we were, what we achieved, what we loved, feared and believed in. This is our legacy. Remember us.” ~ Quote from extra card in the Special Edition deck.

[button style=”btn-default btn-lg” type=”link” target=”true” title=”Buy Legacy of the Divine Tarot” link=”http://shop.earthandskyconnection.com/index.php/tarot/legacy-of-the-divine-tarot.html” linkrel=””]

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