Heal the Healer and A Message From the Pleadies

  • July 15, 2006

Heal the Healer and A Message From the Pleadies

Mark Aura Picture02-2014 (2)I have often heard that for the Healer to heal thy self is one of the hardest things to do. I for one have to agree with that statement. Mark believes it is time to change that statement and to create a new paradigm. I would actually like to know who said that and have him or her take back those words because it has set us all up for failure! Words are the most powerful form of manifestation, so let us take a look at the words we use in our daily conversations and how we use them in our own world and lives.

Mark has an interesting insight into how this works and he will share with you through experiences and stories of his own to assist you in perceiving new ways to heal yourself as he too has been challenged with his own health issues. Mark will take you through a guided meditation to heal your hearts, as it is through our hearts, the doorway and connection to Spirit where we are all connected. Through this clearing and with his insights you will experience a lightness of body, mind and soul. And if that doesn’t clear you, be sure to meet up with Mark afterwards or around the fires throughout the weekend. He has a very unique gift and is willing to share with you when asked!

Finally Mark will address you with what he is up too and what he is creating to assist Sophia, the Mother Earth. He has been called by Sophia herself to assist in a way which is totally selfless and he has taken on the task. Mark believes this is his mission and purpose here on Earth!

Mark will also speak to you with messages from beyond through his hiMark Whistler 2005gher self in the mother tongue of the Pleadies. If there is anyone who desires to learn more about the language of light he will address how it began for him and share how it is possible for you too to awaken this ability if you are one of the Light beings here on Gaia. This will be a main feature event of this weekend and you want to be sure to be there for this One!

Sunday 2pm in the Tent