
  • January 17, 2016









Primary Chakra: Throat

Astrological Sign: Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio

Issues and Ailments (Physical):

Aids with breathing problems Cataracts Headaches
Infections Migraine Rheumatism

Issues and Ailments (Emotional):

Nightmares Peace Empathy

Issues and Ailments (Spiritual):

Mental clarity Public Speaking Healing
Throat chakra Wisdom

Turquoise is considered to be a bridge between Heaven/Sky and Earth, grounding us while still remaining open to Spirit. Many cultures believe this stone helps to connect the mind to the infinite possibilities of the Universe, and it is considered sacred in many Chinese cultures as well. This beautiful stone is a wonderful companion to use when removing and releasing old behaviors such as self-sabotage and self-martyrdom that no longer serves in growth. This stone is great for working with the Throat Chakra, to foster honest and clear communication from the heart, and with Water and Air Elements. Enhancing intuition, it also enhances communication between the physical and spiritual realms. Use Turquoise to release old vows, express freely, and ease nerves when speaking in public. Turquoise is a protective stone, often being used for amulets. They have impressive metaphysical properties, and are powerful healing stones that will filter the fifth element ether, into the etheric body. The natural energy of these stones will help you to communicate with truth. They are a strong stone of spiritual attunement and are very effective to aid communication. The energy of this stone vibrates strongly within the higher heart or thymus chakra, which will aid you to be more compassionate, and to forgive others who do not act compassionately towards you.


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