Midnight Samhain Ritual

  • September 21, 2017

Midnight Samhain Ritual ~ Tracey Demaline

Samhain is a Celtic Celebration held on October 31, and is also known throughout the world as Halloween, Hallows, or All Hallows Eve. It’s the only festival we observe that deals directly with the dead. The Samhain celebration completely defines the roll of Death in the cycle of Life, and the importance of its lessons in our personal realities.
This is the Altar we prepared for our Samhain Ritual Oct 31st 2015 at Cast & Conjure

This is the Altar prepared for Samhain Ritual By Tamare

Come gather with us as we celebrate and turn the Wheel of the Year. We will gather to honor our loved ones who have left this world. In the safety of our circle, let us feel their warmth and love once more. They may have left this world, but they have never left our hearts.
traceyTracey Demaline is a Third Degree Wiccan Priest trained in both Alexandrian and Gardnerian Wicca. He uses traditional Witchcraft along with mythology, ritual and trance to help his students achieve greater awareness of their unique gifts, abilities and talents.
As a healer, teacher and priest, he believes that when you embark upon a magical journey and embrace the spirit within you, it will enrich all life around you, bring insight into your awareness, and enable you to heal yourself and others.
Being an avid ghost hunter and paranormal investigator, he believes all things in the paranormal and metaphysical realms are interconnected.
His research includes history, mythology, folklore, religion, occult traditions, psychology, parapsychology, science, medicine, anthropology and archaeology. Tracey also sits on the Canadian Pagan Spiritualists board of Directors.Kim James is a Wiccan Priestess of the Horned Moon Clan, working on completing her Second Degree of British Traditional Wicca. She is Empath working towards honing her abilities as a healer. Kim’s interests are herbology, paranormal investigations, fairies, dragons and mythology. Kim is also the Secretary/Treasurer of our Canadian Pagan Spiritualists and an active member in the Pagan community.

Midnight @The Sacred FirePit