
  • November 29, 2015












Primary Chakra: Varies by Colour

Astrological Sign: Leo

Issues and Ailments (Physical)

Addictions Epilepsy Indigestion
Issues with legs Nausea Travel sickness
Urinary tract

Issues and Ailments (Emotional)

Stress Tension Consolation

Issues and Ailments (Spiritual)

Peace Sense of wholeness Healing grief

Medicinal Uses: Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports during times of stress, bringing a sense of  tranquility and wholeness. Used in healing, it unifies all aspects of your life. It is a stone of protection, absorbing all types of negative energies.

This crystal helps to balance and align the physical, mental and emotional bodies with the etheric realm. This is a stone of courage and determination. It can often help those who need more focus, organization abilities, and motivation to follow through. This crystal stimulates creativity and imagination, transforming ideas into action.

It is known metaphysically as a stone of gentleness, comfort, and relaxation. When its protective energies are also considered, it’s no wonder jasper is sometimes called the “nurturing stone.”

This crystal has other facets to its energy properties, too, such as prosperity, gardening and agriculture. Historically these were related concepts when wealth was more often counted in agricultural and pastoral terms, but it does have prosperity vibrations in other areas as well.

Magical Uses: This crystal is used to assist with astral travel. It brings a gentle but unassailable protection to the traveler and the silver cord. It is also a powerful protection stone in general and can be used in protection magic, in talismans and other places you want a strong but gentle protection.

In some cultures, particularly Native American, it is traditionally used for rain making.

This crystal is used for bringing beauty, into life and specific situations. Beauty brought by jasper can be striking inner beauty as well as external beauty. This is gaining it the name “make up stone” for the way it can bring beauty to people outside as well as inside.

It balances yin/yang energies. This is helpful in many areas of life and can bring healing, peace, and ease.

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