Cubeb Berry

  • December 15, 2003

Cubeb Berry

cubeb berries

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Chakra Colour: Blue

Medicinal Uses: Cubeb Berry was used in preparations of tinctures, fluid extracts, oleo-resin compounds, and vapours, which were used for throat complaints. A small percentage of cubeb was commonly included in lozenges designed to alleviate bronchitis, in which the antiseptic properties of the drug are useful. The most important therapeutic application of this drug, however, was in treating gonorrhea. The powder from dried and crushed cubebs is added to cigarettes for the relief of asthma. Cigarettes made of cubeb are said to help with hay fever, asthma, and pharyngitis. Composite herbal drugs containing P.cubeba as one of the ingredients are clinically effective in the treatment of cough.

Magical Uses: Cubeb Berry is believed by many people to bring about good luck in love affairs. They can be used to control a lover and to increase sexual heat; will also help you meet a new mate. They have also been referred to as “love berries”. Add Cubeb to your bat and then sprinkle the used bath water and berries in your yard, you will soon meet someone who will become close to your.. Cubeb berries are used in love-drawing magic spells by practitioners of hoodoo, an African-American form of folk magic.

Other Names: tailed pepper

Contraindications:  Do not use if you are taking antacids and medications that decrease stomach acid.