Witch Hazel

  • February 1, 2016

Witch Hazel









Gender: Masculine

 Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Charka Colour: Yellow

 Medicinal Uses: Witch Hazel is an excellent astringent herb. It can be used for all sorts of swellings, whether they are due to inflammation, e.g. as a gargle for tonsillitis and inflamed gums, or bruises, insect bites or poison ivy rash. One of the best known applications for this herb is as a remedy for haemorrhoids, which is said to be very effective. It is also used for afflictions of the veins, giving support and strength in cases of varicose veins. It makes a great ingredient for various skin care preparations, not just because it soothes and draws together ‘spider veins’, but also because it contains powerfully active antioxidant agents, which can fight the effects of aging. This herb has also traditionally been used to treat all manner of eye infections and inflammations and even temporary blindness caused by blows to the head. Internally it can be used to astringe inflamed or irritated tissues, especially of the digestive system. It will curb inner bleeding, diarrhoea or leucorrhoea and it has also been used to reduce excessive menstruation or to reduce the loss of blood during child birth.

Magical Uses:  As with common hazel, these twigs are cut and used as dowsing rods Native Americans also used the seeds in certain medicine ceremonies and for divination practice to determine whether a patient would recover. Witch Hazel has an affinity with water and may be used in weather magic.

Other Names: Snapping Hazelnut, Spotted Alder, Winterbloom

Contraindications: Do not take by mouth if you are pregnant or breast feeding.

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