Weekly Psychic Prediction Mar 8-15-16

  • March 10, 2016

Weekly Psychic Prediction
March 8-15-16
Seer Tamare White-Wolf










LoveVibe-your going to be pretty straight up with yourself this week. You will recognize your attachments in relationships, those aspects that are unhealthy, you will take the time to revise!

You caught yourself in something that wasn’t so self loving. In fact you have been self-defeating. Old patterns, self-sabotaging ways and not listening to that inner voice. All this coming across your table of awareness has been heavily on your mind. How do we love ourselves, can we love others truly and fully if we don’t truly and fully love ourselves? You’ll be taking a good look at that this week and putting self-love first will be front and center. Any relationships that have undermined you even in subtle ways will be questioned and very likely removed as you take the next step. You will not be willing to fully shake the cart if it jeopardizes your stability. Good idea when in doubt to sit it out. Clarity will come in the silence so go with the flow, it might be hard to see, however it’s a gift from the solar eclipse. Once you’re on the other side of this you’ll be happy you finally stood up for yourself and returned to the parts of you, you’ve always loved.

imageHealthVibe-A couple of major arcana cards and a new beginning card lead the way as this week spins out from the solar eclipse yesterday. It is as if a hard firm slap gotcha right upside the head and now the clarity of where you sit healthwise is staring back at you shaking his head. A death of the old you and all of your habits and routines is in the planning by your inner angels as they come to your rescue and force your hand. Never before have you realized the shadow you have been walking with despite the joy and pleasure around you. It is time to face your demons, your self imposed restrictions and those limitations that are lurking in every corner. You’ve never been more ready or more willing. One things for sure there’s a measure of forgiveness that should be offered to your self. We are  a complicated bunch! Sure you can kick your own butt just to get started however patting your self on the back for acknowledging what has to be done is also good! It will be a week to remember as it is definitely the crossroad that changes the whole game plan.

imageBusinessVibe- take caution in the work environment as feelings are raw this week. Your staff and colleagues will really appreciate your understanding and patience as they integrate what you have shared with them in terms of their job performance. Habits and knowledge take time to change it is in the best interest of the company to support that internal upgrade. The youth that is working in your environment need to be trained and monitored in order to be sure they meet the new standards. So don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, there’s already been enough time, energy and money invested in training these folks and a final tuneup is just what’s recommend. You are encouraged to see the whole as a team each team member should be expected to put equal effort into success of the project. It is my opinion this week will be a more productive week then previous ones due to both ego and self-awareness propelling staff and colleagues to put their best foot forward. Secretly even they feel that they likely could’ve done better.

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