Weekly Psychic Prediction June 15-21-2016

  • June 16, 2016

Weekly Psychic Prediction
June 15-21-2016
Seer Tamare White-Wolf
image  Love- mourning those that parish in senseless harsh deaths will be our focus this week! Trying to wrap our heads around the fact that there are still active pockets of judgemental supremacists lurking and planning harm to our uniquely different minority groups will be a priority this week!
The startling facts are that so many love conditionally will have our heads spinning and our hearts heavy! Conversations about this will create bonds with unlikely groups and breaks with those we thought held similar views will be stirred all week and into the next few months! Laws around guns will tighten and some areas like the USA will re-think existing laws, spurring arguments and controversy within law makers cabinets. The old blood of prejudging difference will be sought out, found and spotlighted by those enraged by its obvious under current! There will be shock and surprise dividing folks even more at first sight however in the end “love wins” with the majority voting against division and mean spiritedness! Compassionate, whole-hearted action of embracing all our relations as a unified “one nation” is felt and acted upon by many stirring new law of the land raising the vibration of love to everyone in minority groups! Much love to our fallen LGBTQ family ❤️????


imageHealth-turning sour lemons into palatable food, great recipes will help everyone created summer dishes that increase energy, stamina and physical appearance. This week many will try food combinations that never seemed a likely pair! It will conjure up so many new menu ideas that will bring about many more much healthier meal options which may take on a life of their own!

Folks will opt out of families of food for new combinations which are more suited to both their lifestyle and body types. Following an “eat what is created naturally in your area” style in order to achieve optimal synergy of wellness and oneness! Check with local farmers and Bee keepers to see what you can bring into your kitchen, and create dishes that will support your whole families health requirements. Eat Local Honey and Maple syrup too as the natural properties in these delectable treats will assist with allergies and blood sugar issues. Eat Organically grown foods and watch how good you feel after a week! Oh and dont forget that herbs and flowers used in salads, juicing and infusions will add a life force to your system like nothing else and are extremely yummy! If you dont know how to use them consider coming to our Susun Weed The Medicine Chest Workshop during Paganfest July 13-18 2016. Susun is Turtle Islands Leading Herbal Shaman. We at Earth and Sky Connection carry her books too!


imageBusiness-doubt, worry and the realization that something definitely must change in order for you to preserve energy and money will be your focus! One day you will know exactly how to “fix” things the next you will waffle back to old ways, by weeks end you will make a solid decision which will take you into the fall.
Much of your motivation is inspired by summers anticipation and the huge amount of activities you feel your missing out on! As well you have turned a corner in your career which will insist on your commitment on specific things that will not allow you to continue as you once did! It’s just a matter of time before you take that plunge 100% however you must consider the wake of removing you from the existing regimen before and during the switch. Putting the right people in your place, removing the situations that drain positive and uplifting vibrations will be the underling concern and focus.


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