Weekly Psychic Prediction June 1-7-2016

  • June 2, 2016

Weekly Psychic Prediction  June 1-7-2016

Seer Tamare White-Wolf


imageLove- bet it’s been a wee bit stressful with family or loved ones holding judgement and conflict towards you about something you likely can’t change or are unwilling to change. It’s not easy pleasing everyone now is it? If you did try to address everyone’s likes and opinions well where would that lead you? Be careful with that because the more you do the move they want and before you know it, you have lost yourself in the whims of others!
Being authentic requires a lot of energy, stamina and big cahunas! Being honest doesn’t however require mean-spiritedness, just flat out honestly! Say it with kindness, do it with steadfastness and know you are living truth!
Sometimes that’s just not enough for some, let it be so, if they don’t respect that it’s not your problem now is it? Some of you may be saying yah right, they make it your problem and the fall out may be more than you are able to deal with at the moment! Ok then…! When in doubt sit it out! But don’t alter the real you in the waiting process otherwise you will not recognize yourself and one day may feel very disappointed with your actions and non-actions!
Those that really love you will take a step back and check themselves agreeing to disagree! Those that continue on with the fight are best left to the curb until further notice!
Be you, be authentic, be honest with yourself, live a life of integrity and you will be rewarded with your true wish, your true desire! True loving relations are brewing in the horizons… Wait it out, it all comes into perspective soon enough! ?

imageHealth-so far so good, however have you felt a bit short fused? Likely, as there always seems to be things trying to pull you away from your main plan! This makes it hard for you! This week thou you will isolate yourself in order to achieve your goal of a stronger more vibrant you, and your spirit will be very delighted with your results! In fact each time you pull your head out of your butt the sun shines, the breeze blows and your thoughts stay focused on the plan! Over all you will love the results so much you begin to see what has been missing in your life and secretly wonder how it ever got so far away in the first place! Don’t put to much thought in to that though as it will take away some of the joy you are finding as you infuse your day to day life with a re-connection to the inner soul spirit of your true self!
This week alone will be a pivotal week for anyone working towards a balanced lifestyle and who require a shift in order to do so such as; dieting, exercising, work/play, computer/nature and community/solitude! Personally I’m loving the vibe! See you in the ethereal as I’m being one with self and nature, she serves me well? Loving self, loving the land and loving more health!

imageBusiness-not the best week for that for most I’m sorry to say! With all the spring cleaning it looks like a mess has been uncovered! You will be astonished at the amount of work that really has to be done to meet your standards! If your not careful a cart load of money may be at stake as well! Unfortunately not everyone on your ship has done due diligence according to plan!
Rewind and reorganize setting a clear way for resolve! Saturn is striving for excellence which eventual you will see, so just roll with the punches and you will succeed.
You may have to take a hard look at the team you are working with, do some pruning, replanting and removal of combative energy! Yes it sounds like companion planting! Not everyone is a good fit for you or the job, even if you seem to get along personally, cut from the same cloth doesn’t always make a great patch quilt as it just looks like a patch job instead! It is possible that people who are the same bring out the worst in one another, re-evaluate the connection and ask yourself …Is this a productive and compatible connection? Do we compliment the task at hand by having skills in different areas in equal amounts? Can they pick up where you leave off? If your answer to these questions are yes, than you have a working partnership! If one or the other is not working at the same RPM you will need to tweak it or remove it! Either way be vigilant and focused… Like tomatoes and potatoes, same family but like many family members they may need a mediator between them like marigold calendula redirecting their attention away from harmful attractions! Too the same can fall into nasty habits and behaviour! Do what you have to do, it works out for all in the end! Have a blessed week!


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