A Seat at Mimirs Well Workshop with Zach Imrie

  • May 29, 2019

A Seat at Mimirs Well: Zach Imrie Zach Imrie has sought the truth of the runes and the words of the Gods for many years. He has studied Norse history, culture and customs extensively and is devoted to living alongside the gods now in Asatru. It is a day to day, moment to moment pursuit … Continue Reading

Sweat Lodge SUNDAY 11AM

  • April 27, 2017

Sweat Lodge SUNDAY 11AM  Tamare White-Wolf is the Medicine Woman Facilitating the Sweat Lodge . Why come to the Sweat Lodge? It is an opportunity to be reborn unto your true self, through prayers and letting go of things that no longer serve our highest good, we heal and recharge our souls and align with our … Continue Reading