Prediction Sept 22-28-15

  • September 23, 2015

Prediction Sept 22-28-15

Weekly Psychic Prediction

Sept 22-28-15  With Seer Tamare White-Wolf  from Earth And Sky Connectionimage


LoveVibe- keep you options open and don’t settle or box yourself in! As it is Mercury retrograde. Any changes or decisions made will likely be regretted sooner than later! You dont want to end up carrying  the relationship load alone, however seeking counsel in order to make it right maybe just the right thing for those who are struggling! #LoveVibe #WeeklyPsychicPrediction #EarthAndSkyConnection #TamareWhiteWolf #relationship #Love #FullMoonEclipse #AutumnEquinox #tarot #psychic #prediction




#HealthVibe- It won’t help to fight it, change must be, face the facts, its hopeless to ignore the obvious in your present physical situation! So pay attention and take the plunge into balancing your life, get that rhythm flowing. Let the old you die off, shed that ego skin and move into the new you once and for all!  It will feel great once you do! #HealthVibe #WeeklyPsychicPrediction #EarthAndSkyConnection #TamareWhiteWolf #Health #Change #FullMoonEclipse #AutumnEquinox #tarot #psychic #prediction






BusinessVibe-You will recognize that you really need a super team to support you visions and the work load as your going to be super busy! Unfortunately not all your team is operating with the same vibration and will either need tweaking, direction or replaced by more efficient and skilled individuals. Be true to yourself when reviewing the situation, but be careful when relaying your thoughts, as with mercury in retrograde turning over the cart is very possible and would result in long term behind the scene nonsense! #BusinessVibe #WeeklyPsychicPrediction #EarthAndSkyConnection #TamareWhiteWolf #Business #Money #Finances #FullMoonEclipse #AutumnEquinox #tarot #psychic #prediction



I used one of my new favorite tarot decks which I’ve been working with for a few years, those of you that know the Rider Waite Deck will enjoy this as they show us what is seen by the image/person in the card! We do have them available at Earth And Sky Connection.

Tarot of the New Vision < Click to buy online

Discover the hidden secrets of the popular Rider-Waite deck and peek behind the well-known images too see what was, until now, out of sight. This popular deck is now available in a new boxed edition that includes a full-sized book.

Authors: Pietro Alligo, Giordano Berti

Have a Great Week Everyone! Tamare White-Wolf#WeeklyPsychicPrediction #EarthAndSkyConnection #TamareWhiteWolf #Business #Love #Health #FullMoonEclipse #AutumnEquinox #tarot #psychic #prediction #TarotOfTheNewVision