Kava Kava Root

  • November 15, 2009

kava kava

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Saturn

Element: Water

Chakra Colour: Violet

Medicinal Uses: Kava is anti-septic, anesthetic, narcotic, and a diuretic.  It has been used for both acute and chronic gonorrhea, vaginitis, syphilis, leucorrhoea, nocturnal incontinence, urinary infections, irritable bladder, gout, rheumatism, bronchial ailments, and other ailments resulting from heart trouble.  Kava Kava has been recommended for insomnia, depression and anxiety.  Kava Kava works on the central nervous system, and promotes relaxation to those suffering from anxiety or depression. Because of the relaxant properties of Kava Kava, it is beneficial in treating menstrual cramps as the Kava Kava will relax the uterus.

Kava Kava is an excellent anti-anxiety herb.  Kava reduces anxiety but does not impair mental function or cause sedation.

It is sometimes chewed to relieve throat pain, as Kava produces a “numbing” effect on the tongue and throat. Kava is first chewed in the back of the mouth, (for 5 to 10 minutes) while swallowing the saliva and kavalactones released from the process. It produces an effect similar to that of an over the counter chloraseptic spray to alleviate sore throat by numbing it.

Magical Uses: Visions, Protection, Luck. Infuse and drink to offer protection against evil and to invite good luck. A small amount (chopped root) sprinkled around the house will keep out unwanted visitors. Hang a small piece on your door or put in an amulet to invite in good luck. To induce visions, soak a 1/2 gallon of water mixed with roots and leaves overnight in the refrigerator. Strain and drink a cup before you meditate. Kava is used to protect you and your home, and invite in good luck. It is used when working with fidelity, friendship, healing, love, meditation, prophetic dreams, purification, sleep


Other Names: Ava, Ava Root, Awa Root, Intoxicationg Pepper.

Contraindications: Don’t use when taking sedative medications or antidepressants.