Free Weekly Psychic Prediction Nov 24-30-15

  • November 24, 2015

Free Weekly Psychic Prediction Nov 24-30-15

Free Weekly Psychic Prediction Nov 24-30-15 with Seer Tamare White-Wolf

Nov24-30-15Love~ The whole putting yourself out there thing may be kinda weird for those that have been dormant for sometime. In the past you may have read all the signs of “love” with ease! Now with more wisdom and experience you know it as “lust”. Presently you may have experienced many variations of love existing in your life, from child/parent, friend/friend, parent/adult child, pet/owner or community/and you. Hopefully you also are feeling the self love strong at this time too! Soul mates teach us many lessons about ourselves and twin flames are not always aware of one another, should be an interesting time reviewing and reuniting with “the one” meant for you! Take your time and be unattached to the outcome…just let love flow!



Nov24-30-115Health~ You may not be listening to your higher self all the time, in fact have to keep on getting back on track! You have however noticed the changes you have managed, are indeed providing results! Whatever you put out has come back to you and you like the end game very much! Your health has improved at each step so keep focused and stay the course! Weight loss, respiratory, heart, glands, your mental state, even cancer, yes that too… do something about it, take responsibility and be the change you know you can live! Hold in your mind the vision you want, dream it in!





Nov24-30-215Business~ You wont be too happy about the financial mess things are in. You have to consider all the angles before you take action. It will be felt in the wallet and the heart for some, however must be faced, challenged and done with respect for all. Remember this thou, what are your thoughts about money, are they positive or negative? Adjust those conditioned beliefs and create the energy you want and deserve. “What ever we hold in the heart either is true or becomes true” so do as you will and harm none! That’s fair, compassionate business thinking, it is always your best go too!






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Ancestral TarotThe Ancestral Path Tarot Cards  By Julie Cuccia-Watts

Beautiful imagery, one of my favourite. The pictures are loosely based on the Rider Waite deck. The suits are based on ancient cultures. The Cups being depicted by Arthurian England.  The Wands depict scenes from Egyptian and African cultures. The Swords have stunning images based in ancient Japan. The Pentacles or ‘sacred circles’ depict scenes of Native lifestyles. The back of the card features a silhouette of people worshipping the sun. The reverse side shows them worshipping the moon.

The deck suits a small hand as it is only slightly larger than a standard deck of playing cards. Suitable for the experienced tarot reader and novice alike. Standard meanings can be applied to each card however they are accompanied by an excellent little white book that gives a lot of insightful  history regarding each cultures way of life! A brilliant little deck,  I highly recommended it!

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