
  • January 30, 2016










Gender: Feminine

Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Chakra Colour: Yellow

Medicinal Uses: Cornflower is an easy-to-grow flower that is as practical as it is pretty. Known for its ability to curb anxiety, reduce joint pain, soothe irritated skin, calm an upset stomach and reduce eye swelling, it is easy to see how the cornflower can be used to solve numerous health ailments. In addition, cornflowers contain properties that enhance immune system functioning.

Boiling flowers in water and making a hot compress can ease the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis and muscle soreness. Leaving the hot compress in place for as long as possible works best. For eye strain, apply a compress made from one tablespoon of flowers and one cup of boiling water. Allow the mixture to steep for five minutes and to cool completely before applying.

Magical Uses: It’s purported benefits magically include enhancing psychic abilities, fertility, love, sex, and abundance,  The flowers are used to decorate alters and the dried flower is carried in sachets or amulets to attract lovers.  One entry states that you should sprinkle the dried flower on the right shoe when looking for a new lover.   It also make a wonderful mystical blue-colored handmade ink – which certainly has more magical properties than store-bought for use in hand-worked spell books, etc.

Other Names: Aciano, Audifoin, Bachelor’s Buttons, Barbeau, Bleuet, Bleuet des Champs, Bluebonnet, Bluebottle, Bluebow, Blue Cap, Blue Centaury, Hurtsickle.

Contraindications: None documented but pregnant and breast-feeding mothers should always check with a health practitioner before using.

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