
  • January 31, 2016










Primary Chakra: All

Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Issues and Ailments (Physical):

Fevers Degenerative muscular diseases

Issues and Ailments (Emotional):

Focus Transformation Visualisation

Issues and Ailments (Spiritual):

Shamanic journeying

Bismuth relieves symptoms of isolation, both spiritually and emotionally. As a stone of transformation, it calms disorder and helps push changes in the right direction with a physical vitality, connecting to “all that is”. Energy is transformed from the crown chakra to the base chakra, which is something other stones don’t do. It can be used on all chakras. The power of wisdom can be actualized through this stone.

As a healing crystal it lessens catatonic states and has been used to diminish fevers. Because it stimulates energy, it can clear the biological field, and help you enjoy the journey towards achieving a goal through the togetherness of teamwork, groups or relationships. It improves concentration and visualization during Shamanic journeys.

In helping to transit from a physical plane to an astral state or spiritual realm, it provides for continuity in travel for a pre-established plan. Ruled by the planets of Venus and Saturn, it is believed to have a relationship as a messenger of the Goddess and messenger of the Gods, in a connection to Aquarius which is also ruled by Saturn.

This rainbow colored stone can be a wonderful stone to use for focus, visualization and shamanic journeying. It can prevent you from becoming overwhelmed by all of your responsibilities while at the same time increasing your energy levels to deal with them. It relieves feelings of loneliness or isolation. It is a stone of transformation and change, helping to adapt to change with calm assurance. Bismuth encourages cohesiveness, so would be very helpful in group and/or relationship dynamics.

Physically, it can be used to reduce fevers; find new treatments to deal with chronic illnesses; ease the effects of degenerative muscle conditions, and get you back on your feet after major surgeries.



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