Blue Apatite

  • October 23, 2015

Blue Apatite

blue apatite








Primary Chakra: Throat

Astrological Sign: Gemini, Libra

Issues and Ailments (Physical):

Mental clarity Public speaking Reduce weight
Stuttering Vertigo  

Issues and Ailments (Emotional):


Issues and Ailments (Spiritual):

Clairvoyance Clarity Vision quest

Blue Apatite energetically acts as a hunger suppressant.  Simply wear or carry a piece with you throughout the day.  This crystal will also eliminates blockages and returns the body to balance.

It  can cleanse the aura of cluttered energies, bringing a renewed sensation to the body.  This is a good stone to help balance the chakras, as well as the energies of Yin and Yang.   Blue Apatite enhances manifestation of ideas to reality and facilitates getting results.  It has traditionally been associated with humanitarian efforts and teaching.

This crystal is also known for bringing clarity of mind and expansion of insights, and is especially helpful when diligent study is needed to uncover the truth. It enhances communication and self-expression on all levels, making this a great stone for teachers.  Also, it encourages openness and ease in social situations, a quality that makes it especially useful for autistic children.

It acts as a good balancer of energies, emotions, chakras, and subtle bodies, as well as the male and female aspects of the self. The stone can help to effectively work within the dream state to form solutions to perplexing problems.  Those who are overemotional can benefit from Apatite’s ability to highlight logical solutions and induce calm states of mind. It can help to develop psychic gifts and connect the user to higher levels of spiritual guidance.

Use this crystal to deepen and maintain focus in meditation.  It can also initiate, stimulate, and/or increase the development of psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Used at a physical level, this crystal will focus healing energy on the body’s systems, glands, meridians and organs.